Studio Guidelines

Here are a few reminders and guidelines that will be helpful for you to know.

Regarding Attendance/Absences/Make-Up Classes:

Our dance instructors take attendance for each class. Good attendance is very important to your dancer's success, as well as the progress of the class as a whole. Please make every effort to have your child at class each week. 

We understand, missing class is inevitable, but excessive absences can become a problem. If a dancer is struggling and the instructor or parent feels it necessary, a private lesson may be requested to help the dancer with any missed material. Another option we offer are make-up classes. Please check with your child's teacher or our 2024-2025 schedule, to find times that are available for your dancer. If you miss a class, or the studio is off for a holiday, you may make up that class in another class at the same level. We ask that all make-up classes are taken within a 4-week period, unless you have spoken with your child's teacher. From September - December, any type of class can be used for a make-up. Starting in January, classes dedicated to technique would be a better choice for your dancer, as other classes are learning their recital dances. 

We wish to remind you, that tuition will not be refunded or discounted due to absences, unless there are special circumstances that you have spoken to Emily about.

Your dancer must be in attendance (as much as possible) for regular dance classes January through June in order to be able to participate in the annual recital. Excessive absences will not allow your dancer to learn all the appropriate choreography for the show and would also affect the other dancers in class. Please plan on coming to at least 75% of your classes during recital season.

Sickness vs. Injury

In the event that a dancer is sick, please keep them home from class in order to reduce the chance of spreading the illness. 

If a dancer is injured, we encourage them to come and observe their class. 

Regarding Drop-Off and Pick-Up:

Before class begins, please try to have your dance shoes on in the hallway or waiting area. Taking time during class to put dance shoes on can lead to not utilizing our class time. If you are late arriving to class, it is okay to stand outside of the dance room to put your shoes on before entering the room. This will help alleviate interruptions during class. Along with dance shoes, please have your dancer use the restroom before class, as bathroom trips tend to be "contagious". 

We encourage dancers to stay inside the building when waiting for a parent or guardian. We ask that they do not wait outside the building for their ride. 

The studio will be considered open, 10 minutes before the first class of the day. The door may be locked until that time. During the first few weeks of class, we will offer earlier hours to accommodate those who need to register their dancer, or have any questions to be answered. Dance room doors may also be closed until it is class time. Your dance instructor will open the door and greet you when it is time for class to begin.

Regarding Class Placement:

At Starstruck, we place our dancers according to age and ability. If a child is more advanced, a higher level of class may be requested to strengthen the dancer's ability and provide them with a challenge. In most cases, dancers are with others their own age. However, dancers are placed by the level of technique they demonstrate in class, not by years of experience or friendships. We try our very best that dancers are placed in a class where they will feel confident, in order to promote the highest level of self-esteem. Dancers progress at different levels; advancing a dancer before they are ready, can create stress, a loss of interest, and discouragement.

Please trust the staff's years of experience in the decision for class placement. We always act in the best interest of your dancer. 

Regarding Email:

Starstruck sends all studio information via email. All updates are done through email, Facebook, and Instagram updates. Email allows the staff to keep you informed of important dates and new information, so you can have access to it when you are not at the studio. Starstruck does not sell or distribute email addresses. Weekly updates are sent out to help remind you about events, due dates, and all other general information. Other important information such and bills and invoice reminders are sent through email as well. It is imperative that we have an email you check daily. 

Regarding Inclement Weather:

Starstruck follows Lincoln Public Schools closures for inclement weather. If LPS is not in session, Starstruck will monitor the weather and send out an email if the studio needs to close. There are two inclement weather days built into the schedule. If there were to be more than two inclement weather days missed, a make up class will be scheduled for that day of the week’s classes.